Keep Track of Your Student's Progress by Becoming a Parent CANVAS Observer!

Keep Track of Your Student's Progress by Becoming a Parent CANVAS Observer!

The best way to monitor your child's progress with distance learning is to become an Observer of your Student's CANVAS account. 

Parent Observers will be able to 

  • Get email updates from each class.
  • View your student's grades for the class and individual assignments.
  • See upcoming assignments and due dates.
  • And much more!

To become a CANVAS Observer - Visit our instructions linked below

Parent Observer Instructions w/ Phone App. QR Code 

Instructiones en Espanol para CANVAS 

OR - Check out this YouTube Video showing Parents how to connect to CANVAS as an Observer!

CNAVAS LMS for Parents

Helpful Hints to Become a CANVAS Observer!

Here are a couple of hints to help you become an Observer on CANVAS!

1.    Keep trying!  Your student has a code on their end of CANVAS you will enter into the account you as a parent are creating.  The student codes are only good for a limited time. If the student CANVAS Observer code does not work . . .

  • Have your student close out of the "Pair With Observer” window
  • Have your student select “Pair With Observer” again.  This will generate a new code you can try to enter.
  • This may take a couple of attempts! But it should connect your account with your students.

2.    Once you successfully become an Observer for your student you can download the phone app to track your student’s progress. We have added QR codes on the back of the directions linked above, which will directly download the CANVAS Parents app to your phone! To sign in to the phone app . . .

  • You will be prompted to “Search for School or District”
  • Search for - Richland School District
  • 2 different “Richland School District – Parent” choices will appear! YOU MUST SELECT the BOTTOM of the TWO! (The first one is linked to a different Richland School District!)
  • Once in, enter the email and password you used to create your CANVAS Observer account.
    • If your email and password do not work, go back and try the other "Richland School District - Parent" link!

If that still does not work, please reach out to our Admin Team OR Join us for our Live CANVAS Help Night (see below).

Mitch Davis                     Assistant Principal          
Amy Salinas                   Assistant Principal           
Brian Stadelman            Principal                           

CMS Live CANVAS Help Night - Wednesday, October 14th!

If you are having difficulty becoming a CANVAS Observer join us the evening of Wednesday, October 14!  We will be demonstrating how to create a CANVAS Parent Observer accounts and link to your students.  You can join us at the times and virtual locations below.