8th Graders Start Looking Towards High School! Upcoming High School Registration and Parent Night Info

8th Graders Start Looking Towards High School! Upcoming High School Registration and Parent Night Info

High School Registration for 8th Graders is Friday March 12.  Scroll below for details on Hanford and Richland High School 8th Grade Family Information Nights and when counselors are available to answer your questions!

Richland High School Registration Information

Richland High School 8th Grade Parent Night - Wednesday March 10 @ 6:30pm

  • Join RHS via Zoom for a preview of courses and programs RHS has to offer.
  • Check out the  March 10 Flyer for more details and Zoom Links

Richland High School Registration Information/Help

  • On March 12, RHS will be hosting a series of 3 live Zoom meetings for 8th grade students to go through course selections for 9th grade.

8:30-10:00 – Libby Middle School -
Zoom LInk: 

10:00-11:30 – Carmichael Middle School -
Zoom Link: 

11:30-1:00 – Chief Jo Middle School; Enterprise Middle School; Christ the King, HomeLink; Liberty Christian, & homeschooled students
Zoom Link: https://rsd400.zoom.us/j/84586903009?pwd=YnlMdHNmOHhrblB3Zk8xSlM2NGgrQT0

1:30-2:30 – Open Zoom for Q & A help with registering, and breakout rooms for one-to-one or small group conversations with students
Zoom Link: https://rsd400.zoom.us/j/84586903009?pwd=YnlMdHNmOHhrblB3Zk8xSlM2NGgrQT09

Hanford High School Registration Information

​​​​​​​8th Grade into 9th Grade to Hanford High

There will be Zoom Webinars part recorded and part live on March 12th.  Friday was chosen, so students would all be asynchronous at the same time. 

Links will be posted on Hanford website to sessions that will take place at the following times (the student/families can attend any sessions):

8:30  March 12:
8th Grade Registration Webinar 1 (8:30 am) https://rsd400.zoom.us/j/86740125859?pwd=cERPZVprbndBY1lsOUh3ZXAwcGJmdz09

10:00 March 12
8th Grade Registration Webinar 2 (10:00 am) https://rsd400.zoom.us/j/85928663416?pwd=eDNFMyt3NXRYRng1QzdCbFRNN3RpQT09

11:30 March 12
8th Grade Registration Webinar 3 (11:30 am) https://rsd400.zoom.us/j/88378961003?pwd=NGhtdUJTMTQ1RTExbmRqR0tDVHJkQT09

 1:00 March 12
8th Grade Registration Webinar 4 (1:00 pm) https://rsd400.zoom.us/j/81044549129?pwd=cHJwaFNlY2J2OFhTVGtEbDZaRFI1QT09

 Hanford High School will host a virtual 8th grade parent night on March 22 at 6:00 P.M. 

March 22 8th Grade Parent Night 6:00 pm

The links for these events will also be on Hanford High School’s website. Along with a google doc on Hanford High School website for student’s to add their class choices under “Registration” which will be available after the presentations on March 12.